I would like to deny this but DQ is always the first stop on any road trip.

Little Mama enjoyed her dip cone very much.......

The Rhino felt totally at peace with his ice cream......

and last but not least Little Man ate so quickly I only got one picture of him and his treat.....
The rehearsal dinner was great fun. It makes me really want to move out to the country. The kids had a ball running free in such a big open space that wasn't a park. They look all pink and outdoorsy, I love it.

Little Mans first attempt at Boccie Ball....
Little Mama enjoyed her dip cone very much.......
The Rhino felt totally at peace with his ice cream......
and last but not least Little Man ate so quickly I only got one picture of him and his treat.....
The rehearsal dinner was great fun. It makes me really want to move out to the country. The kids had a ball running free in such a big open space that wasn't a park. They look all pink and outdoorsy, I love it.

Little Mans first attempt at Boccie Ball....

"Where did that ball go????"

I want to feel and look like this.......

or this.......

This is our little cousin Ms. M. . Little Mama completely fell head over heals for this beautiful little girl and I think she was more than happy to be big sister like for a while.

This is the memorial marking the Murrah Federal building in Oklahoma City . It was an amazing memorial to all those that lost their lives in the bombings that took place here in 1995. Each chair represents a life lost, all 168 lives.