Saturday, January 23, 2010

22 & 23 /365 LittleMan's Birthday Party

This is the grocery store where a really behind mom goes late late late at night to get cake mix
for her LittleMan's birthday party the next morning. It was kind of creepy, I so rarely get to
go to the store when there is no one there. Usually there are people wall to wall with people.

Here he is the LittleMan blowing out his candles. It was a great party with a balloon artist,
a little pin the tail on the donkey, some face painting and some ride on toys.
Our first party at home, I would consider it a success.

Here he is. The cutest birthday boy I know today !!!

1 comment:

  1. OH, how sweet! Look at that joy on his face!! Happy birthday, little man ;D

    As for the deserted grocery store...yeah, went to one of those 24 h ones way back when I lived in Canada (they don't exist here)...and I agree; creeeepy!!!

    I put some info up about 'my' 365 group, btw, in the comments on my blog where you asked the question. Hope it helps out :D



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