Tuesday, June 1, 2010

139/365 Bubbles

139/365 Bubbles
I saw this photo, I can't remember where, of a photographer getting her perfect reflection in a bubble.
I thought it was so crisp and clear. Well you should have seen me trying to get a shot of the bubbles at Little Man's splash day, I'm sure there were some parents thinking I was weird, I felt a little weird. Anyway it was much harder than I ever would have imagined. Bubbles in the wind are fast and my auto focus couldn't really handle the situation. So in manual  focus, all bets are off, I have bad eyes. This first one isn't great but it's exciting that I actually caught one.

This one was much more exciting, I knew the moment I got it. 
I'll be working on some more bubble shots and let you see what I come up with. 


  1. we should compare bubble pictures-- i just took a ton of them in georgia recently and was laughing at myself chasing around trying to get the perfect shot:).

  2. Awesome! Bubbles are sooo hard to capture; great job!

  3. love the hand and the bubble....something about the rainbow in the bubble is really great!



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