Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Photo 19 - The End of The Rainbow

Photo 19 - This is what comes at the end of the rainbow for us, after a hearty meal of good old mexican food then comes the York Peppermint Patty !!! When I grew up it was Monterrey House and then a pecan praline, my kids will grow up with Don Jose's and peppermint patties or maybe Pappaisitos and the balloon lady. Food is such a memory for me, some of my most vivid memories surround food. I loved going to Marshall Fields with my mom and having a roastbeef sandwhich on a Kaiser roll, or going to Sakowitz and having these little buttery cracker things, or ChiChi's and the burritos and the shirly temple's . Every once in a while someone will say something about one of these places or something will spark a memory. I wonder if people who don't have "food issues" have these kinds of memories or are theirs based on something else? Oh Well, I know I won't forget my children's lack of table manners after this post and I'm hoping that Little Man is still too small to be embarrassed by this but here goes :

This is him truly enjoying that last little bit of his refried beans. I have 2 children who adore refried beans and one who adores queso, I'm set !!

This is how he cleans his fingers off after enjoying the beans to the fullest extent. I love this kid.

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