Saturday, August 8, 2009

Why Blog ?

I know there are so many different reasons for blogs but I was just thinking about why I am doing it and what I really want out of this whole experience. I don't think that I have anything personally exciting to say, except that Big Daddy and I make exceptionally pretty children. My life is so similar to so many peoples that really I'm sure I have the same day as 50 % of stay at home moms. I think for me I love pictures and I want to keep a diary type thing about our family so when the kids get older they will have a part of me that they can look back and read forever. I think my mom didn't do this for me and I so wish she had. I think I would look at it often if for no other reason than to get a sense of her.

I think other people have something to say or do something that people are interested in, I think some people are so into themselves that they think people really want to hear about them. I think the really scary part about blogging is there are many people who do it because they feel they can just say whatever they want and that's acceptable. No one know who they are or who they are talking about and somehow that makes their ramblings ok, less hurtful or whatever. I think if bloggers use the internet as a forum to express those ideas or thoughts that they wouldn't otherwise we could really be in trouble in the near future. It's not really like therapy, I mean in therapy you sit across from someone else, you look them in the eyes and you actually say these things out loud. That in and of itself can be affirming and can make a person feel accountable. Well on the internet if you can say anything in a blog then anyone can say anything in response to your post.

This all feels like it's going in circle, I think for myself I needed a little clarification as to why I would be doing a blog and what I want to accomplish from this experience, since I'm certainly not a writer.

So I will just sign off with this great picture from family dinner last weekend. It's an almost perfect picture of all the cousins. They are all such beautiful kids, inside and out I just love them so much. I wish that I had grown up with cousins !!!

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